Software livre de criptografia
VeraCrypt adiciona segurança para os algoritmos usados para o sistema e criptografia de partições tornando-o imune a novos desenvolvimentos em ataques de força bruta reforçada.
O Software resolve muitas vulnerabilidades e problemas de segurança encontrados no TrueCrypt.
O post a seguir descreve algumas das melhorias e correções feitas: Acesse o post
[accordion][acc title=”Outras informações em Inglês”]As an example, when the system partition is encrypted, TrueCrypt uses PBKDF2-RIPEMD160 with 1000 iterations whereas in VeraCrypt we use 327661.
And for standard containers and other partitions, TrueCrypt uses at most 2000 iterations but VeraCrypt uses 655331 for RIPEMD160 and 500000 iterations for SHA-2 and Whirlpool.
This enhanced security adds some delay only to the opening of encrypted partitions without any performance impact to the application use phase.
This is acceptable to the legitimate owner but it makes it much harder for an attacker to gain access to the encrypted data.
Starting from version 1.12, it is possible to use custom iterations through the PIM feature, which can be used to increase the encryption security.
Starting from version 1.0f, VeraCrypt can load TrueCrypt volume. It also offers the possibility to convert TrueCrypt containers and non-system partitions to VeraCrypt format.
UPDATE February 13th 2016 : VeraCrypt 1.17 has been released. It brings many enhancements and fixes like faster mount and boot (factor 2 speedup) and it adds support for Unicode passwords (all characters allowed now, like ö, Ä, é, or ß).
Please check the release notes for the complete list of changes. Download for Windows is here. As usual, a MacOSX version is available in the Downloads section or by clicking on the following link.
It supports MacOSX 10.6 and above and it requires OSXFUSE 2.3 and later( MacFUSE compatibility layer must checked during OSXFUSE installation. Also a Linux version is available in the Downloads section or by clicking on the following link.
The package contains the installation scripts for 32-bit and 64-bit versions, and for GUI and console-only version (choose which script is adapted the best to your machine).
All released files are signed with a PGP key available on the following link : . It’s also available on major key servers with ID=0x54DDD393.
Please check that its fingerprint is 993B7D7E8E413809828F0F29EB559C7C54DDD393. SHA256 and SHA512 sums for all released files are available in the Downloads section.[/acc][/accordion]
On the fly encrypting the system partition
VeraCrypt creating an encrypted volume
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