HID’s U.ARE.U™ Camera Works with Amazon Rekognition to Deliver Facial Analysis and Verification at Scale in Self-Service and POS Environments
AUSTIN, Texas, June 2024 – HID, the worldwide leader in trusted identity and biometric solutions, is excited to announce that its advanced imaging technology and U.ARE.U™ Camera Identification System now works with Amazon Rekognition, a fully managed computer vision cloud service in the identity verification process.
The combination of HID’s U.ARE.U camera with Amazon Rekognition will enable customers to achieve superior results. HID’s technology for capturing faces across widely changing light conditions, backgrounds, expressions, and demographics, allows for maximum flexibility in deployment. In addition, the camera leverages several sensors onboard to offer built-in liveness detection and can be deployed in ADA-compliant use cases, leveraging its wide vertical field of view. These features make it particularly suited for self-serve and POS environments found in hospitality, healthcare, sports, entertainment, retail, banking, government, transportation, and beyond.
HID now works with the following Amazon Rekognition capabilities:
- Amazon Rekognition Face Detection: predicts attributes such as bounding box size, pose, brightness, sharpness, eyes open, mouth open, and eyeglasses worn to determine face quality.
- Amazon Rekognition Face Comparison: measures the similarity of two faces to help you determine if they are the same person.
- Amazon Rekognition Face Index and Search: creates a face collection of existing users and searches new user selfie pictures.
“This successful collaboration is an example of our commitment to innovation and continued focus on creating value through our technologies,” said Vito Fabbrizio, Managing Director of the Biometrics Business Unit, Extended Access Technologies at HID. “We are proud to work with Amazon’s face recognition technology to meet the best possible performance in challenging environments, such as self-serve and point of sale. The goal is to enable the best possible customer experience without compromising on accuracy and security.”
To learn more about HID’s U.ARE.U camera, watch the video. For more details about Amazon Rekognition, visit the website.

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About HID
HID powers the trusted identities of the world’s people, places and things. We make it possible for people to transact safely, work productively and travel freely. Our trusted identity solutions give people convenient access to physical and digital places and connect things that can be identified, verified and tracked digitally. Millions of people around the world use HID products and services to navigate their everyday lives, and billions of things are connected through HID technology. We work with governments, educational institutions, hospitals, financial institutions, industrial businesses and some of the most innovative companies on the planet. Headquartered in Austin, Texas, HID has over 4,500 employees worldwide and operates international offices that support more than 100 countries. HID is an ASSA ABLOY Group brand. For more information, visit www.hidglobal.com.
© 2024 HID Global Corporation/ASSA ABLOY AB. All rights reserved. HID, the HID Blue Brick logo, the Chain Design and U.ARE.U are trademarks or registered trademarks of HID Global, ASSA ABLOY AB, or its affiliates(s) in the US and other countries and may not be used without permission. All other trademarks, service marks, and product or service names are trademarks or registered trademarks of their respective owners.
Sobre HID

A HID é a fonte das identidades confiáveis das pessoas, lugares e coisas do mundo. Tornamos possível que as pessoas realizem transações com segurança, trabalhem de forma produtiva e viajem livremente.
A cada dia, milhões de pessoas em mais de 100 países utilizam nossos produtos e serviços para acessar com segurança locais físicos e digitais. Mais de 2 bilhões de objetos que precisam ser identificados, verificados e rastreados são conectados através da tecnologia da HID. Trabalhamos com governos, universidades, hospitais, instituições financeiras e algumas das empresas mais inovadoras do planeta, auxiliando-os a criar ambientes físicos e digitais confiáveis para que eles e as pessoas que os utilizam possam atingir seu potencial. HID® é uma marca do grupo ASSA ABLOY.
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